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       Earth Energies - (The human connection.)

Investigating the theory that certain natural earth-energies were detectable by prehistoric humans and utilised in ways that are essentially lost to us in a modern technological setting.

It is generally accepted that the large number of megaliths around the ancient world were constructed as part of a cultural expression, both lending identity to the human species and connecting it to the natural world. They have been speculated as being built as meeting places, defensive structures, for funerary purpose and for worshiping the earth mother. The tradition of megalithic building can now be traced back to at least 8,000 BC (see Gobekli Tepe), and probably peaked sometime in the 4th millennium, but we still have little, if no idea, what it was that originally led the builders to begin constructing the vast numbers of fantastic megalithic structures, of which only the smallest percentage remain today.

Modern physicists have confirmed that all matter in the universe, from the suns and planets, to the gasses, water, and organic life itself, are all composed of the same 'stuff'. Stuff that in its most basic form is made of small particles of energy. The universe can be seen in this respect as an 'energy soup' of which we (organic life) are just one of numerous natural expressions. Everything we see is composed of energy. It is what holds us together and what keeps us apart. The 'illusion' of matter has given us the physical world as we know it, but we, the space between us and all things are still all formed from the same energy. The association between high levels of artificial EMF and 'Serious Health Problems' (12) leaves no doubt that we are sensitive to such frequencies, perhaps poignant then that it is to the worlds (now greatly drowned out) natural 'heartbeat', the Schumann resonance of 7.8 Hz, that living things have been shown to benefit the most. (10)


Leylines and Chakras:

One of the most obvious fingerprints of human activity, from around the ancient world and into the present day, is a natural tendency towards designing buildings in geometric patterns. Something which in its simplest form consists of the construction of an alignment of man-made and/or natural features on the landscape, perhaps offering us the simplest definition of what is loosely termed today a 'Ley-line'.  Along with this 'linear mentality', it also appears that there a clear preference to build the megaliths with quartzite, along with many of them being built in places of what might be best termed as 'abnormal' natural background energies. Perhaps it is time to explore the idea that there was another reason for their construction, apart from those mentioned above.

(More about Leylines)

This work has already been extensively researched by Paul Deveraux and his Dragon Project:

'The Dragon Project, latterly the Dragon Project Trust (DPT), was founded in 1977 in order to mount an interdisciplinary investigation into the rumour (existing in both folklore and modern anecdote) that certain prehistoric sites had unusual forces or energies associated with them. The DPT, a loose and shifting consortium of volunteers from various disciplines, conducted many years of physical monitoring at sites in the UK, and other countries. In the end, it was concluded that most stories about "energies" were likely to have no foundation in fact, and in a few cases might be due to mind states and psychological effects produced by certain locations. But hard evidence of magnetic and radiation anomalies was found at some sites, and some questionable evidence of infrared and ultrasonic effects also. In addition, it was found that the kind of locations favoured by megalith builders tended to have a higher than average incidence of unusual light-ball phenomena or "earth lights". (6)

The concept of 'earth chakras' is nothing new, with whole mountain ranges being recognised as being physically connected by mandala's of oriental temples built into the living landscape. Something which appears almost alien to the modern western mind. However, the prehistoric European landscape was similarly interconnected by networks of geometric alignments, somewhat akin to the oriental and pre-columbian concept of landscape alignments. The art/science of Geodesy appears to have been practiced at the highest levels in prehistory, with evidence still present from around the ancient world suggesting that the most sacred/important ancient sites were placed at positions with relevant geodetic latitudes/longitudes.

(More about Geodesy)

(More about Living Mandalas)



Telluric Currents:

A telluric current or Earth current, is an electric current which moves underground or through the sea. Telluric currents result from both natural causes and human activity, and although discrete, these currents interact in a complex pattern. The currents are extremely low frequency and travel over large areas at or near the surface of Earth. Telluric currents are phenomena observed in the Earth's crust and mantle. In September 1862, an experiment to specifically address Earth currents was carried out in the Munich Alps (Lamont, 1862). The currents are primarily geomagnetically induced currents, which are induced by changes in the outer part of the Earth's magnetic field, which are usually caused by interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere or solar radiation effects on the ionosphere. Telluric currents flow in the surface layers of the earth. The electric potential on the Earth's surface can be measured at different points, enabling us to calculate the magnitudes and directions of the telluric currents and hence the Earth's conductance. These currents are known to have diurnal characteristics wherein the general direction of flow is towards the sun. Telluric currents will move between each half of the terrestrial globe at all times. Telluric currents move equator-ward (day-time) and pole-ward (night-time). (2)


Earth Batteries.

An earth battery is a pair of electrodes made of two dissimilar metals, such as iron and copper, which are buried in the soil or immersed in the sea. Earth batteries act as water activated batteries and if the plates are sufficiently far apart, they can tap telluric currents. Earth batteries are sometimes referred to as Telluric power sources and Telluric generators. One of the earliest examples of an earth battery was built by Alexander Bain 1841 in order to drive a prime mover. Bain buried plates of zinc and copper in the ground about one metre apart and used the resulting voltage of about one volt, to operate a clock. (1)



Animal and Human Sensitivity to earth-energies.

EMF (Electro-magnetic Frequencies)

The earth�s natural electromagnetic field has a frequency measured as about 7.8 HZ or Hertz. This is the well known and documented Schumann Resonance measured daily in seismology laboratories. There is much concern now among scientists about the damage caused by civilization�s pollution of the earth. There is also monitoring of the normally occurring changes in the universe.

When people meditate and calm their brain chatter, their brains emit alpha frequencies of 7 to 9 Hz. The human brain in a relaxed state then has the same frequency of vibration as the energy field of the earth. When humans live close to nature, their energy fields are in synchrony with the energy field of the earth, so they experience more balance and better health.

Before the invention of electricity, people lived in harmony with the earth and her daily and seasonal cycles. Technology advances have added tremendous levels of electromagnetic energy millions of times higher than before � microwaves, x-rays, cell phones, television, radio frequencies, high tension wires, etc.

Dr. Robert Becker is a world renowned expert on electromagnetic fields (EMF). He said, �At the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth�s environment is the proliferation of EMF�s.� In addition the energy field of the earth interacts with the energy fields of other planets and constellations. Those changes then reflect on the energy fields of living bodies including humans. The energy fields then as the interface connect all living matter � humans, plant, animal, and the earth.

Predicting Earthquakes:

Observations of unusual animal behaviour prior to earthquakes have been reported around the world since the beginning of recorded history (Tributsch, 1982). In particular, the Chinese and Japanese have recorded these observations for many hundreds of years (Lee, Ando, and Kautz, 1976), and have made attempts to incorporate these reports into an earthquake warning system with some success (Allen, 1976). For example, on February 4, 1975 the Chinese evacuated the city of Haicheng several hours before a 7.3 magnitude earthquake largely on the basis of unusual animal behaviour observations (Allen, 1976). (3)

'Analysis of satellite data shows that the earth sends out certain signals in the days before a large earthquake strikes. According to a press release from M.I.T., just before the Magnitude 9 earthquake struck Japan recently, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicentre, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck. A similar phenomenon was noticed just before the Haitian earthquake. These atmospheric phenomena may explain why animals seem to act strangely prior to an earthquake. Perhaps they can sense the changes'. (4)

While it is commonly accepted that animals can be used as earthquake predictors, the case for human predictors is not on such strong ground. Interesting however to note that those people who do attest to such powers, say that the physical effects include, dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, strange dreams and even visions, all symptoms of the altered state achieved by the shaman.

While there are numerous examples of humans apparently 'predicting' earthquakes through abnormal behaviour, the subject still remains beyond the scope of mainstream science, as it is not a field within which the right level of accuracy can be demonstrated. However, there appear to be sufficient accounts of physiological and psychological effects before earthquakes that the phenomenon merits an attempt at a rational explanation. Prof. H. Tributsch, in his book (5) offers what is probably the most plausible to date.

'During the early 1930s, American physicist C.W. Hansell was experimenting with his electrostatic generator producing charged ions. His colleagues noticed that Hansell underwent extreme mood swings from day to day that seemed to have nothing to do with the degree of success of his work. Finally, Hansell noticed this himself, and began to keep a log of his activities. He found that whenever he was producing negative ions with his generator he was happy, and whenever he worked with positive ions he was glum'. (5)

European researchers had noticed as early as 1928 that the ion content of the air had a direct influence on the well-being of humans, and in the ensuing decades scientists tried to follow up on-the effects of airborne ions on biological processes. By 1958, more than 300 works had been published on the subject, although the results were often rejected by the general scientific community. By now there is a convincing body of evidence that small ions in the air have a pervasive effect on the concentration of the nerve hormone serotonin in the lower middle brain. Serotonin affects metabolic processes, the transmission of nerve impulses, sleep and the development of moods.



The historical origin of dowsing is unknown. References to water finders and similar terms have led some to think that it is thousands of years old, but the first published description of the dowsing rod is probably Georgius Agricola�s De re Metallica dated 1556 (translated in 1912 by the then future president of the United States Herbert Hoover). From an extensive survey of the literature, Barrett and Besterman (1926/1968) found the first unmistakable reference to the dowsing rod was in 1430; although many earlier works have been construed as referring to dowsing.  (8)

While there exists a vast catalogue of reports and stories of people who claim to have been dowsers, the simple (somewhat disappointing) fact is that as yet there is no single academic study substantiating the practice of dowsing, leaving the field of study without scientific substance. As anecdotal evidence itself does not constitute rigorous scientific proof of the effectiveness of dowsing, it remains for now an area of interest, but without champions. However, the lack of stringent scientific evidence does not detract from the numerous reports worldwide of the existence of people who profess to be sensitive to sensing earth energies. In itself, this is something that should not be ignored, as there has been some enlightening research into the human response to low-level electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), and our recognition of any relationship with this energy field is perhaps the first spark of understanding in this difficult field of research. 

'By 1990, over one hundred studies had been conducted worldwide. Of these, at least two dozen epidemiological studies on humans indicated a link between EMFs and serious health problems. In response to public pressure, the Environmental Protection Agency IEPA) began reviewing and evaluating the available literature.  In a draft report issued in March 1990, the EPA recommended that EMFs be classified as a Class B carcinogen - a "probable human carcinogen and joined the ranks of formaldehyde, DDT, dioxins and PCBs'.     (Quick-link)

It has long been known, that many animals including the catfish, shark, and platypus have specialized electroreceptor cells that are evolutionarily conditioned to detect such EMFs by means of sensory transduction. 'Detection can be prevented in catfish by means of blocking antibodies'. (9) Although there is positive evidence that humans do have some ability to detect weak electromagnetic fields, in the same way that other animals are able to, it is far too early to conclude that this sensitivity can be used to detect underground water. However, in relation to the above report, and perhaps more relevant today, humanity is still surrounding itself with more and more household gadgets raising our artificial background EMF levels to their highest ever. While we may not recognise the symptoms for what they are yet, we are being saturated by artificial EMF in an unprecedented way. Something that any future experimentation must also take into account.

The Earth's background base frequency, or "heartbeat," has been for a long time a steady 7.8Hz (called Schumann resonance, or SR). Various studies have shown that animals, plants and humans living in its presence benefit from it. However, it is also recognised that... 'Man-made or artificial EM radiation is a very recent phenomenon and may pose a new source of possible interference that naturally evolved biological systems would most likely not be prepared'. (10)

(The Living Earth)


Modern-day Experiments:

Lord Kelvin: The Kelvin Generator

Between 1858 and 1867, Lord Kelvin developed a water-drop electrostatic generator, which he called the "water-dropping condenser�. It was sometimes referred to as �Kelvin�s Thunderstorm�. The device uses falling water drops to generate voltage. Water runs down from the top, with slightly positively-charged water attracted to the negative ring and slightly negative water attracted to the positive ring. The charged water flows through the ring and into a container. When the charge eventually reaches a certain threshold, a spark will cross the gab between the rings. Lord Kelvin water droppers have been known to build a 20,000 volt charge with as few as 100 drops of water through each side in less than six seconds. That�s without any external power source � simply utilising the energy of the falling water drops. As you can see, electrostatic generators can be made to be very powerful.


 The energy produced here ultimately comes from the gravitational energy released by letting the water drops fall.


The Experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer from Japan has given the world a good deal of evidence of the magic of positive thinking. He became famous when his water molecule experiments featured in the 2004 film, What The Bleep Do We Know?. His experiments demonstrate that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality, in this case the molecular structure of water. Given that humans are comprised of at least 60% water, his discovery has far reaching implications. The following two experiments were performed by Dr. Emoto, which he says demonstrate the metaphysical reality of positive thinking.

The Ice Crystal Experiment: In this experiment, water molecules which had positive thoughts 'projected' at it were shown to form into ice crystals which are both more complex and more aesthetically pleasing. The experiments consists of exposing water in glasses to different words, pictures, or music, and then freezing and examining the aesthetics of the resulting crystals with microscopic photography. Emoto claims that there are "many differences in the crystalline structure of the water" depending on the type of water source, which were taken from all over the world. For example, a water sample from a "pristine mountain" stream would purportedly show a "geometric" design that is "beautifully" shaped when frozen. On the other hand, "polluted water" sources will supposedly show a "definite distortion" and will be "randomly formed". (11)

Water crystals following positive thoughts (left), and following negative thoughts (right).

Photo Credits: Masaru Emoto: (Quick-link)

  • Article: 'Double-Blind Test on the Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation': (Quick-link)


  • Article: 'Experiment to find out if Human Emotions affect the Earth and Natural Disasters'.

'American research organisation HeartMath initiated the project to test the hypothesis that �mass human emotion, whether positive or negative, has a measurable influence on the Earth�s energetic field�.The experiment is called the Global Coherence Monitoring System (GCMS) project, and sensors have already been installed in the US, Saudi Arabia, Canada and England, and three more are due to be installed in New Zealand, Brazil and South Africa.There will be a magnetometer sensor installed on the East Coast of the South Island, and coordinator of the GCMS project Rollin McCraty says the site will be tested this month.

�We�re measuring the heart rhythms and brain waves of the planet. We�re wanting to get a global view of what the energetic activity of the planet is from a whole perspective.� He says the project is based on the theory that human emotions can affect the Earth�s magnetic field. �There�s already� overwhelming evidence that mass emotionality - when something happens that triggers a lot of people feeling similar ways at the same time - that that can affect the global field environment.� He claims that during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, magnetometers measured an effect on the Earth�s magnetic field'.

(Link to Full Article)

(Positive Thinking)



(Geodesy Homepage)

(The Living Earth)




3). Allen, C. "The Role of Animal Behavior in the Chinese Earthquake Prediction Program." In Abnormal Animal Behavior Prior to Earthquakes. J.F. Evernden (ed.), National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, USGS, Menlo Park, CA, 23-24, September 1976, pp. 5-13.
5). Prof. H. Tributsch. When the Snakes Awake. 1982. M .W. Books.
7). John Burke and Kaj Halberg. Understanding the Lost Technology of the Ancient Megalith Builders.
10). Human Electrophysiological Signal Responses to ELF Schumann . PDF
Further Research:
Earthquake Prediction by Animals- Evolution and Sensory Perception
Human Electrophysiological Signal Responses to ELF Schumann
Dowsing: A Review of Experimental Research.



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